Yingyi Lin

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Yingyi Lin

Cultural Straddling
The world is made up of different cultures and each culture has its own distinctive characteristics. Most people live among and are influenced by a diversity of cultures. Culture affects who we are and, in some ways, shapes our identity. Being immersed in a culture dissimilar to one’s own enriches one’s life. Making comparisons between one culture and another is a good way to communicate differences and similarities. Doing so graphically, vividly, in strong visual language, is a dynamic and memorable way of expressing oneself and highlighting one’s culture and one’s identity for the benefit of a public audience. Referencing my own experience of straddling cultures, within China and in living within the United States, my work represents the hybrid culture that ultimately results.



North and South

I am the North
Big is my synonym
I’m big because in the cold north
I need a stronger body to provide heat
I speak with a loud voice
because I’m bold and unconstrained
My food portions are big
because it is a very important step 
to get through the winter with food
And my big body needs more food
I am the South
Small is my synonym
I’m small because the warm south 
allows me to grow without being very tall
I speak in a small voice
because I’m mostly gentle and euphemistic
My food portions are small
My land is fertile,
a place where I can grow all year round
So I don’t need to hoard a lot of food


紅包 / Hóngbāo
Chinese New Year envelopes are filled with money to symbolize good wishes and luck for the new year.