Lan Anh T. Nguyen

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Lan Anh T. Nguyen

Heart & Soul
Life is not static; it continuously transforms and evolves. The transformations depend on how we define and perceive life, negatively or positively. Our lives are conducted by our hearts and by our minds. When we say we must live life to the fullest, we are saying: follow your heart, let it run with emotions. The heart is not an unexpressive machine. It is ripe with passion. We all experience hardship. We all struggle in life. Social expectations are mechanical drivers that thrive on conformity and mediocrity. The heart/mind dichotomy can be the cause of great unhappiness and antipathy. Using design and motion graphics to visualize these polar opposites underscores how crucial it is to maintain a happy life, to follow one’s heart. The work begs the question: What has your life been like?

