Hyein Chung

Inner Nature: A Self-Reflective Personality Test for Introverts

In our extroverted society, introverts are often stigmatized as timid loners who lack social skills. This is a narrow interpretation of personality, similar to the stereotype that all extroverts are aggressive, restless, and touchy. In fact, an individual’s character is made up of the complex interaction of numerous traits, resulting in countless variations of a single personality characteristic. The multifaceted aspect of personality is a biological and environmental product and can serve as a valuable resource to all individuals.

Inner Nature is a project that began with the idea of presenting different types of introverts as different varieties of flowers. The test contains twelve trait-indicated questions and includes five possible answers for each question. Once the user takes the interactive test, they receive a digital flower and descriptors based on the strength of each trait, reflecting their inner nature. While initially developed for introverts, the program encourages the acceptance of differences and recognition of the complexity inherent in all individual personalities. I hope this project enables consideration of personality types that may have been overlooked and the discovery of the intrinsic beauty and power in each.

Visit the site here.

Part One

“Visit Inner Nature Archive”

Visit the archive and view all the flowers that are generated from others.

Press the 'Go To Test' button to get the test and create your own flower.

Part 2

“Create your flower with the personality test”

Move the slider bar and check the questions and answer options on the left side of the screen.

While you are moving the slider bar, see how the flower changes: the number and color of petals and stamens, height, width, diameter, and openness of the flower, or sharpness and waviness of the petal.

Part 3

“Check your test result”

Rotate the flower to view it from different angles. After answering all the questions, press the 'complete' button to receive your flower and descriptors based on the level and strength of each trait.


Zixuan Chen, GD


Yiran Han, ID